As part of the NPDES process, businesses are afforded the right to file an appeal. This may occur if the permit is returned with unreasonable limits or terms or if the state imposes an unreasonable fine for lack of compliance, for example. When this happens, for whatever reason, you’ll need litigation support and environmental engineering expertise to help you defend your position. We can help.  

Whether you’re a law firm who’s been hired by the client or the business itself, we’ll provide technical expertise in support of any litigation actions. We have implicit knowledge that spans the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Control Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and more.

As part of our comprehensive litigation support services, UEG experts will:

  • Provide expert witness services
  • Review depositions from a technical standpoint
  • Develop technical appeal documents
  • Participate in meetings with the state and attorneys

We understand complex environmental compliance issues and we know the nuances and specifics related to your facility. We will help you support your argument from a position of certified expertise.